The Cookieless Future: Don’t Be Left Waiting On The Platform

When it comes to 3rd party cookie depreciation the train may have been delayed again, but perhaps confusingly, many publishers seem to have remained on the platform.

Yes Google has pushed back the cookie demise having only started testing 1% of their browser base, but despite the sluggish departure towards a more anonymous future, agencies & brands still need to ensure they are on board.

Helping them decide which train to take is the hard part.  Since the latter end of 2023, we have been challenging our agency & brand clients to understand how their KPIs will change this year, using this feedback to ensure the right product suite is available.

What is clear is many planning & buying teams are not yet confident in this space, so every publisher needs to ensure they are not bucketed under one group or vertical.  Google recent news supports this, deciding to avoid major changes in the always busy Q4.

Should you end up bucketed or verticalized, you may begin to be overlooked as media spend diverts away from traditional performance metrics. To mitigate this threat, we need to be vocal. 

Slowly but surely, requests for new ways to measure are being asked for & tested across our group. Attention has been a buzzword in our industry for over 18 months now, and does help focus planning away from CTR. Crucial to our business is understanding who to partner with, and how much control we have to improve results.  New & highly viewable inventory is being created across our portfolio, to provide greater time-in-view metrics, whilst brand lift surveys ensure we can deliver additional insights, focused on the medium to long-term goals. Unique low carbon media is also now available, increasing our value to buyers. 

Beyond measurement, ease of access to cookieless data sets will ensure your solution is front of mind. Our own solution is being rolled out now, building a pool of curated audiences from our suite of premium publishers. The backbone to this is 1st party data, coming from these trusted sources, through one easy point of activation.  Our role in this industry is to be a voice for our publishers, ensuring that when the times comes & the agency world decides to board the cookieless train, we’re the ones selling the tickets.






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